Present Continuous - przeczenia (2)

Czas Present Continuous. Utwórz przeczenia do zdań.

1. They are listening to music. They to music.
2. She's trying to put her shoes on. She to put her shoes on.
3. The kids are waiting for the bus. The kids for the bus.
4. I'm sitting on the sofa. I on the sofa.
5. It is snowing outside now. It outside now.
6. My mum’s making dinner. My mum dinner.
7. We're playing football at the moment. We football at the moment.
8. I'm seeing my doctor tomorrow in the afternoon. I my doctor tomorrow in the afternoon.
9. He's traveling to Warsaw right now. He to Warsaw right now.
10. My class is learning Spanish this semester. My class Spanish this semester. © 2023 Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone