Wypowiedź pisemna - E-mail - Podróżowanie (HARD)

Przeczytaj e-mail i uzupełnij go przetłumaczonymi na j. angielski wyrażeniami z nawiasów.

Dear John,

I’m writing to tell you that I have just (wróciłem) 1. from the best holidays in my life. It was awesome!!
For the last two months I was traveling (dookoła świata) 2. , I visited Asia, South America, Africa and then I came back to Europe. I visited around twenty countries. I traveled by boat, by car, by plane and (na pieszo) 3. too! I didn’t go (sam) 4. of course, I traveled with my parents and we met a lot of (turyści) 5. on the way. At the end of our (podróż) 6. we stayed in Greece to enjoy the beautiful (pogoda) 7. , stunning (plaże) 8. and delicious food. I can’t wait to tell you all about it. I have thousands of photos to show you. Also, I would love to hear about your summer break.

See you soon,
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